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Saturday, January 24, 2009

☠, don't be shy;
Hi dogs . Im the Touch.MyCb here . 
As u know i own noobs alot . Btw happy cny .
fuk off lk 

Touch.MyCb Has just pwn3d Touch.MyLj for a DOGLIKE spree

Touch Clan`- is BEYOND GODLIKE ! @ 11:59 PM

☠, don't be shy;
Yo peeps.
Touch.MyLj here to post.
New year is here, touch is resting and celebrating the season..
But meanwhile, feel free to ask us to recruit u in. haha

Touch.MyLj backing back to fountain with 10k gold.

Touch Clan`- is BEYOND GODLIKE ! @ 8:53 PM
Shadow Strike

January 2009
August 2009


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